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Project no.1

I am Trevor Allen Gregory, I have lived in Wake forest, North Carolina my whole life I really enjoy living here with most of my friends and family living here. I play golf and soccer I would say I’m better at golf than soccer but I enjoy both about equally as much. I play golf with mostly Ryder and sometimes some of my other friends. I go to Heritage High school where I take Drafting, AP world history, English Honors, and Heath and Physical Education. One of my best friends last year got Hodgkin’s lymphoma which is a type of cancer. He survived it luckily and his name is Jackson Donohoe I Helped him through the whole entire thing by always being there for him or whatever it was. I want to be an engineer of some sort most likely a weapons or nuclear engineer. But other than that, I want to live in North Carolina the rest of my life because I really like it here and I would hate to leave it because this is such a good state to start a family. Even though it’s one of the fastest growing state. I hope before I die I can make a bid impact on the world and help save a lot of people. I am determined to do this so I don’t die without a reason a seceded in life. At my funeral I hope all of my friends are family are their so I can know I had done well in life and died for a good cause.

About me

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